About Event

Why should I visit Alger Textile 2024 Exhibition ?

  Alger Textile Exhibition is a unique opportunity to get fabrics straight from manufacturers with attractive prices.

Is the entrance free?
How can I register online without waiting in the entrance?
Is Alger Textile 2024 exhibition, for professionals or for the public?

Alger Textile Exhibition is a professional event aiming to create trade relations between textile & fabric producers. The event is for professionals but not for the public

I want to provide outsourcing services for the event. How should I proceed?

Please send an e-mail to eakcok@meridyenfair.com for your inquiry or fill our contact form.

Preparation & Visiting Hours

What is the preparation date/hours of exhibitors?

Our exhibitors can make their preparations on 5th October 2024 between 11:00 am to 18:00 pm

What is the visiting hours of Salon Alger Textile?

Visiting hours are  from 11:00 am to 18:00 pm during show dates (only last day event will end at 16:00)